Multi-User Database

Virtual Engines and Automated Design use advanced modern database technology to relieve the designer of the burden of Data Management - a common problem with flat-file based CAE software products. The shear number of data files produced by each design project can be overwhelming, even for a single user. Poor data management often results in vital data being misplaced or lost. These problems are compounded when more than one designer uses the system. With each engineer storing information his or her own way, on different disks, the result is data management chaos.

In contrast to other flat-file based design systems, Virtual Engines and Automated Design store all data in a single SQL database. This includes:

  • Simulation and Test Data:
    • Every engine model that was ever created.
    • Every test-specification that was ever defined.
    • All RPM-based results, both simulated and measured.
  • Design Knowledge:
    • Every Automated Design Objective.
    • Every Automated Design Strategy.

Multi-User Database permits engine models, results and design knowledge to be shared and accessed simultaneously by all users. Every designer sees the same information and can work on the same design project if need be. There can be no confusion concerning revisions or model compatibility from one designer to the next. Each change to the engine design is carefully recorded, together with user information, providing complete multi-user change control and genealogy. Finally, as your design needs grow you can upgrade to Network Supercomputer.

With Multi-User Database, design data is no longer scattered across the hard disks and laptops of every engineer. It cannot be misplaced, lost or corrupted. And, it is impervious to staff turnover. In short, design data can be secured and managed like a valuable corporate asset.

500 Millers Run Road
P.O. Box 509
Morgan, PA 15064
Phone: 412-257-9070
Fax: 412-257-9011
Copyright 1999-2019, OPTIMUM Power Technology